So after moving back to London and 3 months of internet hell, I'm finally back!
I have lots of new photographs documenting my new start in London and I would like to kick it off with "Meeting of Styles".
“International Meeting of Styles” is an global network of aerosol artists and aficionados. Brought together and inspired by a passion for graffiti, MOS aims to create a forum for the international art community to communicate, assemble, and exchange ideas, work and skills. In the spirit of cooperation and promotion, MOS has developed a worldwide calendar of events in sixteen different countries, working with local organisations to produce exciting annual productions.
I accidentally found a flyer for their London event, held in Highbury, underneath some newly developed tower blocks.
I bet your wandering why I decided to document an art event in black and white?
I wanted to make an emphasis and document the artists creating and developing their work, rather than the work itself. Don't get me wrong, the work deserves colour, however I think this experiment works to some effect.
If you are into graffiti or not, I would definitely reccomemend having a look at any Meeting of Styles event. I was so impressed by the work. Watching each production grow and develop was simply facsinating.